
Jun 29, 2024

This alert little bird, the Grey Wagtail, is a familiar sight by the water's edge. Its delicate form and vibrant movements add a touch of liveliness to serene landscapes.

My intricate pen and watercolour drawing was specially prepared for a biodiversity and heritage panel in Timahoe, a picturesque village in County Laois, Ireland.

The panel, with the text provided by Anne Sundermann, celebrates the rich natural heritage of the area, and the Grey wagtail serves as a fitting…

Jun 29, 2024

In a world obsessed with grandiosity, it’s easy to overlook the minuscule marvels right under our noses—or, in this case, at the tip of our pens. 

Did you know that pygmy shrew (Sorex minutus) is Ireland’s smallest mammal, measuring only between 4.5 and 6 cm in length, with a tail that can be as long as 5 cm?
It eats one and a quarter times its body weight and feeds every 1 to 3 hours, mostly on spiders and woodlice (what a great helper for those who are not fans of…

May 14, 2023

Are you a parent of a budding artist with a keen interest in nature?
Then, hire Aga to run an unforgettable celebration that will inspire young artists and create cherished memories – in the comfort of your own home!

At Aga's Wildlife Art Birthday Parties, children can unleash their creativity while exploring the fascinating world of animals through drawing and painting.
It's the perfect…

May 13, 2023

Bees, those tiny but mighty creatures, have long captivated the hearts of artists and nature enthusiasts.
For the past two weeks, I've been fully immersed in portraying a collection of Irish pollinators, including bees, bee flies, and one majestic moth. 

My colour pencil drawings show:

  1. Tawny Mining Bee (Andrena fulva)
  2. Early Bumblebee (Bombus pratorum)
  3. Red-tailed Bumblebee (Bombus lapidarius)
  4. Common Carder…
Apr 16, 2023


As some of you might know, after a long and successful career in graphic design and advertising, I decided to dedicate more of my time to wildlife art and illustration.

This feels like important work in a world where wildlife and biodiversity are under such threat. For me, capturing living things as they go about their day, uninterrupted and unaware of how magical they are, feels like an opportunity to…

Mar 10, 2023

The Eurasian curlew (Numenius arquata), is a large wading bird that can be found in a wide range of habitats, from coastal areas to upland moors and even farmland. They are most commonly seen in Europe, but can also be found in parts of Asia and Africa. They are part of the family Scolopacidae, which includes sandpipers, godwits, and other wading birds.

One of the most striking things about the Eurasian curlew is their long, curved bill. This bill is used to probe…